torsdag den 5. april 2012

Apple & oranges

Hi, my computer has been broken, but back on track again, so im ready to blogging.
Im gonna show some photos, be myself i think the are fine.
I hope you will enjoy them & remember "An apple at the day, keep the doctor away".
The idea behind are that, perhaps an apple can be alone and still worthy.

                                          And of cause LA & NY

4 kommentarer:

  1. Hva fuuu! Har du fået en Iphone????? oO

  2. dahuoÆAORBSUOFIHJhjoeirn !!! = SNYD!! xD :D

  3. alt for nice pic's :) lækker blog du har dig, elsker baggrunden virkelig fed! :)

    Kig forbi vores?
    Er blevet fast læser.

    - Speak Outers :*
