mandag den 27. februar 2012

Using to many webbrowser?

Yes, om having four webbrowers at my mac.
I can´t delete any of them, cause they are all good, some more then others, but i like them all.
If you don´t know their names, from the left; Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

lørdag den 25. februar 2012

Engelsk: I love Laura!!!
Dansk: Jeg elsker Laura!!!
^^written by Laura

Well, my sister was on my macbook, did i mentioned her name is Laura?
She is sweet enough
^^Written by Iben

Are we all gonna die in 2012?

Well there is a movie & the Maya Indian calender stops. But i dont think we and the world gonna die.
There is an explanation on everything in life, dont be afriad of the darkness.  

Actually, we are on 2013;
Every 4 years gives off a day wasted.
Every 40 years gives off 10 days.
Every 400 years gives off 100 days.
Every 800 years gives off 200 days.
From A.C 0 we are on 2000, so we have 500 days off. which means we are in 2013

We are over the 2012, we are over the 2012 and the world is not gonna die.

Thats something to think about :)

torsdag den 23. februar 2012

Macbook or not?

In our time, many people judge each other of they a fan of Mac or PC.
I can only say Im a mac lover! in my world mac is the best.
Its cool to be a PC fan, but before you judge mac, know mac.
Offen i hear people say a mac is to expensive, i can only say yes, a mac is expensive.
But a mac is design and innovation when its best.
Cause you can´t pricetag good design and innovation.
So before you judge mac, think to youself, do i know mac?
And before you judge PC, think to youself, do i know PC?

fredag den 17. februar 2012

Ben&Jerry´s Cookie Dough

One of the best ice creames ever :)

Winter Holiday for ME

Im now going at holiday for a week, im gonna use some time for home work, but im gonna be happy after the holiday, when it´s done :)
Im gonna be good, cause soon my teacher will give me grades, again.
Im gonna be together with some friends and eating ice cream, the number one Ben&Jerrys.
But today i was out shopping(fun, cause shopping was not a plan in the hole feb) but i got a dress, two cardigans and a belt.
LOVE it all
Good holiday, if you not having holiday then good weekend :)

torsdag den 16. februar 2012

Welcome to my world only-A-blond

Perhaps you allready know, perhaps not, im a REAL blond and I love it!
My name is Iben and im under education, im going first year at High School(In danish gymnasium).
My dream is becoming a lawyer and its gonna happen
I love quotes and peptalks, so quotes and peptalkes, will be a part of my blog.
Every week im gonna give you guys a quotes or a peptalk :)
Some times im gonna write about "the stars", fashion and world wide news.
Im also gonna use some photos, with me behind the camera.
Well the first quote gonna be
"All humains are made equal, some are more equal than other."  
All from now.